The tradition of Mikvah and the laws of Family Purity are central to Jewish life. Discover more about the tradition that can become a rich and fulfilling part of your marriage.
Mikvah Chana
The only Mikvah on Vancouver Island is located at the Chabad Centre for Jewish Life and Learning in Victoria, BC.
The mikvah is available every evening for women only, by appointment. To schedule an appointment, call Chabad at 250-744-2770 extension 3 or email [email protected]. One of our attendants will return your call as soon as possible. It is advisable to make your appointment 48 hours in advance, if possible.  more info
» Appointments

Call or email us today to schedule your private time. 

» Fee / Donation
The suggested donation per visit is $20. Mikvah Chana's operation is covered by  donations.
You can
donate online . Your support is much appreciated.

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